Greetings and Salutations fellow web Goblins!

Welcome to our secret hideout. This is a place where myself, The Great Goblin Shaman, will share my wisdom with other curious denizens of the internet.

The hideout is not limited to just Goblins - trolls and gnomes are also welcome. But NO humans.

Definition of a Goblin.

My wisdom will mostly be in the form of interesting pictures and videos I have captured in the dark chasms of the Great Web.

Here's a list of the impenetrable, labyrinthine matters that currently concern myself, the Great Goblin Shaman:

More to come fellow Goblins, come back later. In the meantime, I'll be watching. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Oh, hello again friends

I suppose this is the first time I get to dispense my wisdom. What forbidden secrets should I pull from my dark book of knowledge today?

Perhaps we should discuss Goblins favourite food? Can you guess? Hmmm...?


It's cabbage. Of course it's cabbage, you should know this, you are a goblin. Unless you are a troll or a gnome. But still even if you are you should know, we goblins talk about cabbages a lot. Unless.....? You're not a human are you? No, impossible. No way a human could access the dark and murky chasms of

You must be a gnome.

Anyway, here are some cabbages I saw on my trip to the overworld the other day. Delicious, no?

What do you mean those are lettuces??


How rude. Goodbye.

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